USB/BT Joystick Center Gold is one of the only apps that can use Wii Remotes also with Android 4.2 and higher, PS4/PS3 Dualshock/Sixaxis (wireless and without root) and XBox One Controllers (USB). Read the description carefully! Announcement: Soon FULL H.I.D. Support, then you can use ANY connected Gamepad with H.I.D. Mode support (Bluetooth & USB).
With this app you can use the most USB Joysticks/Gamepads and also some Wireless Joysticks to play Touch Only Games like Minecraft, Fifa, Modern Combat, Dead Trigger, ShadowGun, GTA, Wild Blood, ... and also Emulators with IME like C64, AMIGA, GBA, NES, N64, DOS, ... and more.
Please read this carefully:
First, please do not download this paid app! (not all Android Devices are compatible with this app). First, try the Demo Version to check your Device Compatibility (available in the Google Play Store). If the Demo Version is working well, then you can switch to the paid app. 99% of the 1-Star raters ignored this hint, so you can ignore the 1-Star ratings :-)
For the main features you do not need root (Joysticks + Keymappings). Also for the Wireless PS4/PS3 Dualshock Sixaxis Controller you don't need a rooted device. For all Touch features you need a rooted device.
An Android 3.2 (or higher) Device with working USB "API" and/or Bluetooth support
New version released at Google Play: 04.09.2013 / first Release 17.08.2011
Here are the additional features of the new App:
- Very Easy Joy2Touch GUI (Add/Move/Delete)
- Automatic Save/Load of a saved Game Touch-Setting
- Universal Touchscreen Driver (for the most Devices with and without Touchscreen)
- Touch Slide Buttons
- Touch Slide Stick Frame Center Reset
- Touchscreen Rotation Correction Option (-180°/-90°/0°/+90°/+180°)
- Touch Mouse & Virtual Real Mouse
- Very low CPU consumption
- Wireless PS4 Dualshock support without root (for Android 4.1 and lower)
- Wireless PS3 Sixaxis support without root (with USB CSR Bluetooth Dongle)
- Fake Wireless Sixaxis support
- Wii Remote support also for Android 4.2 and higher (with USB CSR Bluetooth Dongle)
- Wii Nunchuk + Classic support
- Wii-Remote IR Pointer 2 Touch Support
- iPega Support ("Joystick Mode" X+HOME, only with Android 4.1 or lower!)
- NVidia Shield Support
- Moga Pro Support (Mode "A")
- Moga Pocket Support
- WikiPad Support
- XBox One Support
- New: NVidia Shield Driver
- New: Moga Pro Driver
- New: iPega Driver
- New: WikiPad Driver
- Unique: With the Driver Editor you can create your own USB Signal Driver for your Joystick/Gamepad
Hint: To solve problems you have to uninstall all Moga-, Wii-, Sixaxis- and other installed Touchscreen Apps. After this, reboot your device. Without it you will get some problems.
These Wireless Devices are working (also with Android 4.2 and higher):
- Wii Remote + Nunchuk + Classic (with USB CSR BT Dongle)
- PS3 Sixaxis Controller (with USB CSR BT Dongle)
- Xbox 360 Wireless (with "USB Wireless Gaming Receiver for PC")
- iControlPad (SPP Mode)
- Moga Pro/Pocket (Mode "A")
- PhoneJoy
- Zeemote JS1
These you can not use with Android 4.2 and higher:
- iCade
- iPega ("Joystick Mode" X+HOME)
- PS4 Dualshock Controller (only with Android 4.1 and lower. Android 4.2+ soon)
Tested USB Joysticks/Gamepads:
- C64/128/A600 "Keyrah" USB Keyboard Adapter
- Logitech (Rumble, F310, F510, F710)
- NVidia Shield
- N64 Dual "Adapter for PC USB"
- PS3 Sixaxis
- PS4 Dualshock/Sixaxis
- PSX 1/2 "USB Gamepad Converter Dualschock"
- PSX 1|2 "Super Dual Box Advanced" Adapter for PC
- SNES "Adapter for PC USB"
- Speedlink Xeox (Wireless "PS3" Mode)
- WikiPad
- XBox One & 360 Controller (USB)
All trademarks are property of their respective holders.
Apps Details
-Price: $6.14
-Version: 1.009
-Size: 2.5 MB
-Required android: 3.2 and Up
-Developer: Poke64738
-Install Apk
-Launch the App
Helpfull Links
-Amazon Store : Visit Now
-Google Play Store : Visit Now
-Check New version : Check Now
Download Links
-Direct Link - 1 : Download Now
-Direct Link - 2 : Download Now
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